
Posts Tagged ‘Sleepers’

The Library’s New Bookshelf

November 15th, 2010 No comments

MV5BMTkyNjc3NDIwN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNTQ4MjE5._V1._SY314_CR3,0,214,314_The revolving bookcase that stands between the Reference Desk [library maps] and Computer Hex 1 in the Library is called the “New Bookshelf” in our library catalog. It contains both books and DVDs, all of which have some type of legal theme. The DVDs may be checked out for three days, with one renewal allowed. Some of the titles are: My Cousin Vinny, 12 Angry Men, Inherit the Wind, and Sleepers. The books are all newly-acquired books, which maybe checked out for three weeks. Some of the titles are: One Nation,Underprivileged, Toxic Loopholes, The Law and Harry Potter, and The Myth of Rights. After several months on the New Bookshelf, the books are shelved in the treatise section of the Library according to their Library of Congress classification number.