
Posts Tagged ‘a to z list’

Finding Journals, Newspapers Easy with A to Z Electronic Journal List

February 10th, 2011 No comments

Imagine you need an article from Air and Space Lawyer or The Economist. You know Widener Law Library must have an online subscription to the journal but where to look. Is it on Lexis or Westlaw? Or maybe even EbscoHost? Just look the journal up in the A to Z list and you’ll find it in no time.

Type the title of the journal or newspaper you are looking for in the search box on the A to Z list. You’ll get a list of every database Widener subscribes to that has your journal.  Click on the name of the database you want to use and you’ll be taken directly to the journal.

There is a handy link to the A to Z list right on the main Widener Law Library web page. It’s right under Research Tools.